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Navigator Business Solutions
By Curtis Campbell • September 25, 2013

SAP ByDesign Pre-Conference Blog Series: Part 2 - SPS Commerce Sponsorship & Integration

describe the imageThe SAP Business ByDesign Users Conference is quickly approaching, and as part of that, we want to continually provide previews of what attendees can expect to see, hear, and experience at this incredibly popular event, occuring October 20-23 in Salt Lake City, UT.  

describe the imageFor those that are unaware, the Users Conference is all about helping ByDesign users from all across North America, and possibly the globe, learn more about how to leverage the technology to its fullest extent.  With that in mind, several vendors or partners of SAP (and sponsors of this conference) will be in attendance; all of whom have created vertical and horizontal extensions to provide users with even more functionality.  One of those partner sponsors is SPS Commerce. 

SPS Commerce, an industry leader in the EDI (electronic data interchange) software business, never stops uncovering ways to perfect and extend their customer's business relationships, delivering breakthrough solutions that make trading partner connections more collaborative and profitable.  With pre-wired, battle-tested integrations, comprehensive analytics, and a team of retail-dedicated experts, SPS can and will exceed your expectations and improve the bottom line with every new supply chain solution.  In addition, Navigator, SAP's #1 Global partner for SAP ByDesign, (and master sponsor for this conferece) has written an integration, called iConnect which ties together SPS Commerce's industry-leading EDI software with SAP Business ByDesign, creating a fully-integrated, cloud-based ERP & EDI software solution.

Attendees at the conference will get at least 2 different opportunities to hear directly from SPS Commerce, the first of which will be Monday morning, October 21st, and the second of which will be when SPS Commerce helps hosts a role-specific breakout session on Monday afternoon.  In addition, SPS Commerce employees will be on-site throughout the entire conference, as well as have a table-top display in the event foyer. 

To learn more about the conference, and to get registered, visit http://sapinfo.nbs-us.com/sap-business-bydesign-users-conference.  

To view the agenda, click the button below.  You can also register via the button below.  To speak to us directly, call 877.395.4SAP today!  See you in October!

SAP ByDesign Pre-Conference Blog Series: Part 1

