Navigator SAP Blog

Navigator Concludes Successful Week at SAP's SAPPHIRE NOW & ByDesign Conference

Written by Eric Dahl | May 23, 2016 9:06:30 PM




This past week Navigator had a busy yet significant week attending multiple events in conjunction with SAP's annual SAPPHIRE NOW conference held in Orlando, Florida.

On Monday, May 16th, Navigator co-sponsored SAP's Business ByDesign annual conference held at the Loews Royal Pacific resort, also in Orlando.  At the event, Grant Fraser, Navigator's CEO, spoke at a partner round table with leaders from other high profile partners of SAP.  Later Navigator's VP of Value Engineering, Richard Haugen, lectured on Building an ERP Foundation within a Digital Economy.  Within the presentation Mr. Haugen focused on how technology is changing within this connected world, but how the ByDesign platform is geared to benefit enterprises in nearly every capacity both currently and beyond.  In addition to the involvement listed above, Navigator also hosted a booth at the conference.

A special reception for Navigator clients only was scheduled thereafter in a reserved meeting room.  At this exclusive reception Navigator clients mingled with one another before an intimate Q&A session with SAP ByDesign executives Rainer Zinow, Michael Schmidtt, and Pradeep Nair.  Finally, in perhaps what was the highlight of the reception, Navigator presented a gift to a lucky customer in a drawing.  The gift was a NexStar Evolution telescope, manufactured by Navigator partner, Celestron, and valued at over $2,000.  The winner of the award was Staci Burke from HB Communications.

Following the successful ByDesign conference, Navigator leadership team shifted gears to attend SAP's renown SAPPHIRE NOW conference held May 17-19th at the Orange County Convention Center.  SAPPHIRE NOW, which is billed as the largest technology event, attracts tens of thousands professionals each year from around the world.  In addition to listening to the keynote address by SAP CEO Bill McDermott, taking in the sites, and networking with other industry experts, Navigator again made an influence by presenting at the event.  This time Navigator's Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing, Geoff Ashley, addressed the crowd on Expanding Capabilities by Extending Solutions into Microverticals.

It was a significant week which enabled the team to connect and focus on future goals in an exciting environment.  Navigator will be announcing plans for subsequent customer events within the near future as plans are currently being made.