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Navigator measures past, targets future at July All Hands conference

Updated on: July 18, 2017

Navigator Business Solutions concluded its most recent semi-annual All Hands conference last week in Provo, Utah. Held at the Provo Utah Marriott Hotel from July 14-16, the event...


Navigator Team celebrates 2016 President's Club in Cancun

Updated on: July 24, 2017

This past month a team of Navigator employees celebrated individual and collective successes in 2015 by being invited to President's Club. This year the retreat was held in...


Navigator Sales Teams Recharge During Q2 Summit

Updated on: July 7, 2017

This past week Navigator held it’s Q2 Sales Summit over 3 days at Navigator Headquarters in Pleasant Grove, UT. The entire sales team joined for the summit where a wealth of...


Is ERP in the cloud secure?

Updated on: November 22, 2024

As more and more companies make the switch to cloud-based ERP platforms, one of the ongoing concerns is the security of critical enterprise information. It’s been a long-standing...


Cloud-Based ERP: The sharpest of tools

Updated on: July 24, 2017

As Abraham Lincoln once famously stated: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. It is the plight of all small to midsize...


Navigator Customer Support Teams continue to shine

Updated on: July 24, 2017

In keeping with Navigator’s goal of creating a stellar customer experience, and retaining all customers as “Customers for Life”, the customer support teams have showed their...


Navigator looks ahead to 2016 with All Hands meetings

Updated on: July 24, 2017

Navigator Business Solutions’ semi-annual All Hands Meetings concluded a successful 2015 campaign while shifting focus to continued growth and achievement in 2016. The event, held...