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Is Your Business Falling Behind? Antiquated Software Might Be to Blame

Legacy software. The phrase may sound benign, even charming, conjuring visions of prestige and authority coupled with high value.

Unfortunately, though, legacy software is far from benign.

Legacy software is outdated, obsolete technology that is costing you money and competitive advantage. One such example of outdated technology is spreadsheets.

When completing a month-end financial closeout, spreadsheets require a great deal of staff effort, and can take as long as 30 days to complete in some cases. In comparison, cloud ERP streamlines repetitive processes such as reconciliations and reports—slashing closeout time to a week or less. 

If you’re still using spreadsheets or any other antiquated system to conduct business, then you’re definitely being outperformed by your competitors with newer systems. They’re operating more efficiently and effectively than your business. Even if you’ve made some upgrades along the way, your software still could be leaving you behind.

If you’re unsure of how your legacy software adversely affects your business momentum, here are six telltale signs that you’re in need of a systems upgrade.

  1. Your System is Always Crashing, Failing or Operating Slowly

Constant crashes, glitches and slow performance can be a real drag on operations. If you don’t think an issue like prolonged file transfers or slow downloads are a big deal then you’re not doing the math.

Say that your inventory department must submit a daily EOD report with the finance department and this report takes an average of 4 minutes to download and transfer via email. That may equate to a “mere” half hour each week. But over the course of a year, those half hours add up to 60 days worth of time lost. 

Cloud ERP operates at a far more efficient pace, the result of automatic updates and constantly optimized performance performed by the vendor; your company won’t lose another minute to slow procedures.

  1. Your Technology Forces Your Workers to Be Tethered to a Desk

Your competition is also likely using faster technology with mobile capabilities that allows them to work, check in and respond remotely or while in transit. Instead of having to rely on a stationary workstation, they are free to go out into the field or warehouse or other store locations without missing updates, messages or opportunities to respond.

If your software can only be accessed from your office computer, then you’re missing out on the improved performance, time savings and increased revenue opportunities a current cloud ERP solution can deliver. Cloud-based ERP is built for mobile data access.

  1. Your Current System Doesn’t Play Well with Others

If your software lacks accessibility on other devices, it’s likely that it also lacks compatibility with other tools and applications.

This means that your company is missing out on offering customers virtual support vial live chat, email or on-site self-service. In an age where customers prefer automated assistance over help from a call center, cloud ERP can ensure your company’s tech-friendly appeal to these customers.

  1. You Must Offer Extensive Training for New Hires/Staff to Use Your System

The other great thing about modern systems is their UI intuitiveness and ease-of-use, which translates to both improved customer interactions and boosted employee productivity.

An antiquated system is old, hasn’t been fitted with new user-friendly amenities, and typically requires a lot more training to get new hires up to speed. Cloud ERP offers straightforward, easy-to-use features which make onboarding easier and faster.

Using an outdated interface also decreases employee morale because completing every task becomes tedious and unpleasant. Your workforce will undoubtedly take longer to get tasks accomplished with older systems.

  1. Your Software is Inflexible and Unscalable

No matter what changes your business may make to its processes, strategy or functionality, your software should be able to adapt and keep up. Older software deals in slow, cumbersome updates which can usurp time and momentum. Conversely, cloud ERP updates are always instant and current, and thus they never interfere with project and operational progression.

If your software support cannot manage expansion or a boost in production company, it’s holding you back. If it can’t meet scaling requirements or adjust to meet projected needs, it’s causing you to fall behind.

  1. Your Operating Costs are Unnecessarily High

Legacy software requires increased expenditures on hardware, system failures, staffing and operational inefficiencies.

In contrast, cloud ERP alleviates the need to purchase, deploy and maintain IT assets. This in turn cuts down on the number of IT workers needed. Plus, the cloud computing vendor assumes responsibility for all of the supportive infrastructure including operating systems, migration, servers, software, backup, updates, facility space, power costs and cooling costs.

In the early days of the cloud, there were questions about the cost benefits of using hosted solutions. Those days are past, and the cost savings from cloud-hosted systems is one reason that most software has moved online.

Get Back in the Race by Making a Change

Remaining locked into outdated and obsolete practices, processes and systems can literally be risky business. If you are using antiquated processes or legacy systems, it’s time to consider what those investments in time and cost could deliver you with a modern cloud ERP solution: optimized performance, mobile capabilities, ease of use, enhanced scalability and reduced operating costs.

If you are unsure about whether or not a new system is right for you, or are curious about what replacement entails, contact us at info@nbs-us.com or (801) 642-0123 and we’ll be happy to give you guidance on your best next step.

To learn more about cloud ERP solutions, download our guide, Understanding Cloud ERP for Non-IT Executives.

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