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What's New in SAP Business ByDesign - June 2018

The Latest New Features in SAP Business ByDesign - June 2018

Finance Financial Management

Service Product Valuation Webservice
Maintain service product valuation data from an external source. The webservice updates the service valuation data identified by the service and company ID pair.

Fixed Asset Salvage Value
The salvage value as well as the salvage value (percent) is now available in the fixed asset master data report.

CRMCustomer Relationship Management

Maintain marketing permissions for phone, mail or other channels
Sales and marketing employees can mark contacts and private accounts to be excluded, included or checked before executing outbound marketing campaigns.

Sales Order Webservice
Create, set price & release in one call.

Customer Invoice Webservices
More details in query results e.g. approval status, Payment detail, attachments, sales kit on items, item reference to sales order, purchase order etc.

Credit limit Check for Service Orders
You can now explicitly trigger and simulate credit limit check on service orders with the action “Check Credit Limit”.

Non-Billable flag for Service Orders
It is now possible to flag a service order line item as non-billable right on the first screen. You do not need to click on “view all” first.

        Please follow this link to the Release Highlights video for Customer Relationship Management.

 SupplyChainSupply Chain Management

Production Proposal Scheduling Using Resource Calendar
In the Planning View of Production Bills of Operation view, you can select a resource to get production proposals scheduled using the resource calendar instead of the site calendar during proposal creation, planning run and load leveling.
         For more information, see Create a Resource, Production Models Quick Guide and Supply Chain Management

Maintain Properties of Registered Products
You can now maintain properties for registered products. In the New Registered Product view, you can maintain the properties assigned to the underlying product model of the reference product. For more information, see Registered Product Quick guide and Product Properties Quick Guide. To retrieve the corresponding properties of registered products for subsequent reporting and analysis, you can use the data source REG_PROD_PROPERTIES.

         Please follow this link to the Release Highlights video for Supply Chain Management.

 Supplier RelationshipsSupplier Relationship Management

Transfer Shopping Cart to Another Employee
You can now transfer the responsibility of a shopping cart to a different employee from the one who created the shopping cart. You can do this in the Shopping Cart Management view of Application and User Management work center.

Maintain Delivery Schedule Lines on Purchase Order
You can now maintain delivery schedule line information directly on the purchase order at the time of ordering the purchase order. It is no longer necessary to create a purchase order acknowledgement to create delivery schedule lines on purchase order.

        Please follow this link to the Release Highlights video for Supplier Relationship Management.

AnalyticsBuilt-in Analytics

Improved Analysis Pattern in HTML5

  • Changed Column Width can be saved in View
    As of release 1802 it is possible to change the column width of the grid. Now those changes can be saved for tabular views. For multidimensional views (in case characteristics are moved to columns) the column width cannot be stored.
  • Freeze Characteristics in Rows
    In case you have many key figures, you want to freeze your characteristics as stable lead column, which then allows you to scroll through your key figures and still see e.g. to which G/L account your row belongs.
  • Show Numbers in Chart
    This feature allows you to display numbers in bar, column and line charts. As soon as you choose this feature the value axis will be hidden and your chart is simplified.
  • Show and Hide Descriptions for Selection Texts
    This feature allows you show related selection texts in the selection pane.

Improved KPI and Report Monitoring in HTML5

  • New Info Button in KPI Detail Screen to explain KPI Definition
    A new info button on the KPI Detail screen allows you to see the KPI description and all the details how the KPI is defined. In case you are a key user you can also edit your KPI definition.
  • Change of Card Labels for Cards on Home Overview Page
    Changes of card labels are now consistently done in-place in your card header. When you personalize your overview page, just click into the card header to change your labels.

New UI for Guided Definition of Join Data Sources

Since end-to end processes are the foundation of SAP Business ByDesign the demand of reporting along those documents chains was always high. For this purpose, many customers used the existing key user UI to join data sources, which required a technical understanding of the references between data sources.
The new key user UI built-in HTML5 improves this task in two ways:

  1. You start with the first data source. Once you have selected your fields, the system analyzes the related references and proposes the best candidates / join partners based on the business process. With this it becomes much easier to determine the relevant join conditions and make sure that those conditions fit to the technical model.
  2. Secondly with each step you can preview and iteratively enrich your data source. The built-in preview helps you to easily see the outcome of each step and achieve the desired join data source.

Please follow this link to the Release Highlights video for Built-in Analytics.


Block data for natural persons in order to minimize usage.
Data privacy officers can now manually block the usage of data stored for naturals person to avoid that data can be used for new business processes.

Maintain marketing permissions for phone, mail or other channels
Sales and marketing employees can mark contacts and private accounts to be excluded, included or checked before executing outbound marketing campaigns.

        Please follow this link to the Release Highlights video for Compliance and this link to the GDPR community blog.

 HTML5HTML5 User Interface

Keyboard Navigation with HTML5

The keyboard navigation has been further improved and the SAP Business ByDesign solution now follows the W3C proposals.
Different hot keys to use certain functions in SAP Business ByDesign or to navigate the SAP Business ByDesign user interface have been implemented, for example

  • Faster navigation through the UI Screen via Tab key.
  • Reverse navigation via Shift+Tab key.
  • Possibility to navigate complex controls like Table, Charts via Arrow keys in navigation mode.
  • Possibility to enter from navigation mode to edit mode via Enter/F2 Key and vice versa via Esc key.
  • Once in Edit mode, Tab key takes to the next UI element that can be interacted with, within the complex control.
  • Complex control remembers the last navigated sub UI element (like a table cell) and navigates back to same on accessing the complex control from outside of Complex control again via a Tab key.

 MobileMobile Application

Mobile Sales Order Approval
With 1805 it is now possible for managers to approve sales orders within the Manager Approvals app.


Country Specific Features


  • E-Way Bill approved number by Indian government is required during transportation of goods sold within India as per the new legal change effective from February 1, 2018. The details of the e-Way bill are maintained through the Transportation Approval work center view.
  • Official Document Number for Outbound Delivery (GST regime). The Official Document Number (ODN) for the outbound delivery documents is generated based on the GST registration number, intrastate or interstate outbound delivery, and the other numbering rules maintained in the configuration.


  • U30 Return, tax advisors can now upload the customer’s VAT returns to the tax authority using their own FON (FinanzOnline login) portal account. Hence, the XML file is updated with the Tax advisor number which is the VAT number of the tax advisor and the customer information that can be added while releasing the return.


  • BELCOTAX Withholding Tax Return the system allows companies to file the yearly BELCOTAX report 281.50 fiches to the tax authority in an XML format.


  • Certificazione Unica supports to file a yearly return of the taxes withheld to the tax authority, and provide the withholding tax acknowledgment to your suppliers. You can generate both a file and a form output of the return. This contains details regarding the company, supplier, fiscal data and tax information.
  • DL 50 Return, this is a new VAT return for Italy. The DL 50 return picks only those supplier documents which are posted in the current fiscal year; but have an invoice date at the header level and a tax date at line item level, both of which are of the previous fiscal year.
  • Super and Iper Ammortamento – Increased Depreciation of Fixed Assets. It allows companies to calculate for certain assets with an acquisition cost increased by 30% (super depreciation) and by 150% (hyper depreciation) in 2018, for acquisitions made between January and December 2018. As a result, the company can calculate a higher depreciation.

United Arab Emirates

  • Free Trade Zone. Exempt Regions Few regions in the United Arab Emirates (AE) known as the free trade zones have a special VAT taxation compared to the rest of the country. There are no postal codes in AE. However, you can use the configuration Define Exempted Regions to define an exempt region using postal codes such as FZE (Free Zone Establishment) or FTZ (Free Trade Zone).


  • Labor Cost Benefit, has been introduced for elderly employees and disabled persons (from January 1, 2018). This new tax measure replaces the existing system of premium discounts (applicable only until the end of 2017). From 2018 onwards, the new premium reductions can be maintained in the Labor-Cost-Benefits (L-C-B) tab. The types of Labor Cost Benefits introduced are: 1. Elderly employees 2. Hiring disabled employee 3. Reinstate disabled employee 4. Target group of job agreement.

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