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Navigator Blog

Life Sciences

How ERP Helps with Clincial Trails

Enterprise resource planning solutions (ERP) play a critical role in helping life sciences businesses scale. But they also can play an important role earlier in the lifecycle of a...

Advantages of ERP

Benefits of ERP in Manufacturing: Unlocking Hidden Potential Where You Least Expect It

As a manufacturer, it’s important that you continuously discover new and more effective ways of running your business so that you can remain competitive. For instance,...

Advantages of ERP

Collaboration & ERP Allows Organizations to Streamline Work - Forbes Article

Ralph Hess, EVP of Sales and Marketing at Navigator Business Solutions was recently quoted in a Forbes.com article.


How Does a Retail Company Benefit from ERP?

The past couple of decades have seen massive transformations in the retail industry—from purely brick-and-mortar stores to online shopping, to dynamic and innovative customer...

Advantages of ERP

The Advantages of a Multichannel Distribution System

The big lesson from COVID-19 for business arguably is the importance of digital channels and diverse revenue sources. Thanks to lockdown measures and social distancing, businesses...

Selecting an ERP Solution

4 Reasons Why Enterprise Resource Planning is Critically Important

There’s a reason why 96 percent of the top 20 percent of businesses rely on enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, according to Aberdeen research. ERP is at the center of...

SAP Business ByDesign

Improve Cashflow with Automation and Real-time Insight

The bar has been raised on financial and cash flow management.

ERP Software

Why Do I Need ERP If My System Already Works?

A successful business aims to improve and grow. Three factors play a role in achieving success: innovation (being the first to serve an unmet need), customer service (ensuring...

Advantages of ERP

Advantages of ERP Packages

If you’re a small manufacturer looking to go big, how do you get from A to Z with minimal growing pains? You’re going to need increased capacity, a bigger staff headcount, and...

SAP software

Advantages & Disadvantages of ERP

A cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software platform can help companies at any size adopt new business models and manage business change at speed. The viability of...

Advantages of ERP

What are the primary business benefits of ERP?

When a young company starts growing and begins looking for new ways to increase profits, financial and process optimization matter. Once you have a fundamental understanding of...

Advantages of ERP

Optimize Your ERP Amid the Great Resignation

If you think The Great Resignation of 2021 is just media hype, think again.

Advantages of ERP

Recognizing the Hidden Costs of Your Legacy ERP

Software has evolved a lot in the past decade. While most consumer wouldn’t dream about using an iPhone 4 in 2020, many businesses nonetheless still use legacy ERP solutions that...

Advantages of ERP

Are You Needs-Blind?

There are many reasons why humans rule over the earth and haven’t yet extinguished the species: We’re highly adaptable. When there’s a problem, we fix it. Or we adapt.


Why Do I Need ERP?

Insight How often have you made a big decision without thinking it through? For example, think about the first time you bought a home. If you haven’t bought a house, you have...


The Key to a Successful Software Rollout is Not What You Might Think

Are you in the middle of launching new ERP software or planning an implementation in the coming months? Without effective communication guiding your rollout, even the most...

ERP cloud

The Edge of Cloud-based ERP

Cloud-based business planning software used to be a solution that was associated with smaller businesses. However, in recent years, the viability of using a cloud-based enterprise...

Navigator cloud

Three Strategic Reasons for Moving to Cloud-Based ERP

Manufacturing, distribution, and service-oriented companies are facing critical challenges in today’s marketplace. To service the new global economy, companies need to be...

Business Management Software

7 Key Aspects of Real-Time, Integrated ERP

More and more small-to-midsize businesses are recognizing the value of real-time information that is enabled by cloud ERP systems. Further, many of these companies are adopting...


Cloud-Based ERP: The sharpest of tools

As Abraham Lincoln once famously stated: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. It is the plight of all small to midsize...