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Navigator Blog


When Your Customer is Buying, Are You There to Take Their Order?

Updated on: December 9, 2020

Customer orders used to be simple. There was phone or showroom. Maybe a fax or an order by email. But really it was simple, and there wasn’t much need for terms like “omnichannel...


5 Key Challenges Facing Modern Distributors

Updated on: July 14, 2021

The distribution business is more competitive than ever thanks to ecommerce and giants such as Amazon that have muscled in. There are more options for consumers, more direct...

Life Sciences

How growing and mid-size Life Science companies leverage SAP Business ByDesign

Updated on: August 1, 2022

Welcome again to our latest webinar, how growing and midsize life science companies leverage SAP cloud ERP. Again, today's webinar will be presented by Ralph Hess VP at navigator...

Advantages of ERP

Are You Needs-Blind?

Updated on: November 20, 2020

There are many reasons why humans rule over the earth and haven’t yet extinguished the species: We’re highly adaptable. When there’s a problem, we fix it. Or we adapt.

Life Sciences

Why Life Science Firms Need ERP

Updated on: November 1, 2021

The life sciences industry moves at a rapid pace, and speed, precision and efficiency are essential for its success. Medical device manufacturers and suppliers simply cannot...

Life Sciences

How Prepackaged ERP Saves Time and Money

Updated on: November 6, 2020

It was mission impossible.

Contract Manufacturing

How ERP Can Help Life Sciences Contract Manufacturers

Updated on: October 30, 2020

Contract manufacturers in the life sciences space face a host of challenges, including regulatory demands, thin margins, changing requirements based on client needs and an...

Supply Chain Management

Why 2021 Is the Right Time to Modernize Your Supply Chain

Updated on: July 15, 2021

Supply chain management has been undergoing fundamental changes over the last several years, increasingly becoming both automated and autonomous. Given the many challenges that...

ERP Software

Breaking Down Technology Silos with Cloud ERP

Updated on: October 20, 2020

Technology silos are a major issue for business. Many SMEs have long operated using multiple legacy systems and software that serve very specific purposes for one department or...


The Easy Guide to ERP Acronyms

Updated on: October 2, 2020

Most businesses in the market for an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution will begin the process by doing some basic research. Unfortunately, the less tech-savvy among us...


The Critical Role of EDI for SMEs

Updated on: September 25, 2020

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is something that takes place on a regular basis among small and mid-sized businesses. At a time in our technological evolution when humans hold...

Warehouse Management

The Importance of Implementing a Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Updated on: December 16, 2024

Automating your warehouses improves accuracy and efficiency. The next step beyond simple automation, however, is tying this automation to a centralized warehouse management system...


Gain Control of Your Inventory Through Warehouse Automation

Updated on: January 4, 2024

Inventory is the lifeblood of the warehouse, and accurate inventory data collection and validation are the keys for operational efficiency. When data quality suffers, the...

Warehouse Management

Data Collection: The First Step in the Path to Warehouse Automation

Updated on: May 1, 2023

So your business has finally decided to enter the world of warehouse automation.

SAP Business One

Plug in and Relax: Ecommerce with SAP Business One

Updated on: January 18, 2021

Businesses can’t remain competitive today without engaging in ecommerce. But not all ecommerce workflows are created the same.

SAP Business ByDesign

How growing and mid-size Life Science companies leverage SAP Cloud ERP - [Webinar]

Updated on: August 1, 2022

Good day, everyone. And welcome to our latest life sciences webinar here at Navigator Business Solutions, "How growing and midsize life science companies leverage SAP cloud ERP." ...


Five Signs You Need Warehouse Automation

Updated on: May 1, 2023

Most businesses know that automation improves efficiency and reduces overall costs. This is no less true for warehouse automation. But as with the adoption of any technology,...


Six Ways Automation Improves Warehouse Management

Updated on: May 1, 2023

Global supply chains are expanding and evolving at a breakneck pace. Omni-channel e-commerce and distribution coupled with consumer demands for faster and more efficient service...


Deciding the Right Type of Warehouse Automation for Your Business

Updated on: July 31, 2020

As warehouse management becomes increasingly complex, and the supply chain grows and transforms to reflect global economic change, warehouse automation is becoming inevitable.


The Role of Automation at the Modern Warehouse

Updated on: November 28, 2022

Warehouse management has historically been a challenge for supply chain professionals, linked to a host of external variables including logistics, technology, commodities, and the...

Warehouse Management

5 Key for Running a Successful Warehouse Business

Updated on: May 1, 2023

Warehousing is a crucial component for many businesses, but not all warehouse operations are created equal—as evidenced by the wild success of Amazon over the years.

ERP cloud

Why ERP Implementation is Really a Business Transformation Project

Updated on: May 1, 2023

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions empower businesses of all sizes with the means to connect operations company-wide.


Five Ways ERP Helps Companies Take Back Control After Tech Sprawl

Updated on: July 3, 2020

Technology and business processes are irrevocably intertwined for most firms. Yet, many organizations suffer because outdated legacy systems, software and processes fail to work...

Navigator Awards

Bob Scott’s Top 100 VARs for 2020

Updated on: June 26, 2020

Navigator Business Solutions is proud to be named to the Bob Scott’s Top 100 VARs for 2020. The Top 100 resellers are chosen from organizations specializing in the sale and...


5 Benefits of Multichannel Distribution

Updated on: December 16, 2024

The world of distribution is changing at a rapid pace. The mechanics between the point of sale and fulfillment to the customer are increasingly blurry. What is clear is that a...


When Does the Investment in an Integrated ERP Make Sense?

Updated on: June 24, 2020

Is there ever a good time to invest in a new technology system that could potentially cost your business thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars? As the economy takes a...


Five Useful Steps for Selling ERP Migration to Your Employees

Updated on: June 12, 2020

Businesses that have decided to take the plunge and migrate to an ERP system are already aware of the benefits from a productivity and efficiency standpoint. Selling the reality...

Why ERP?

Why Distributors Should be Looking at ERP

Updated on: November 28, 2022

Disruption is happening all over the world right now, from business to politics. This is no less true for distributors, who face online marketplaces, more direct-to-consumer sales...

Five Ways to Measure the Success of Your ERP Project

Updated on: May 29, 2020

ERP systems empower businesses to streamline processes across all areas of the business, from inventory management and sales to customer service. The convenience and increased...

business growth

Pandemic Business Chaos: This Too Shall Pass

Updated on: May 22, 2020

We are in the midst, collectively and globally, of one of the most challenging times in the past 100 years. In a matter of a few short months, COVID-19 has transformed the...

ERP Selection

If Dear Abby Covered Business Process Headaches

Updated on: May 15, 2020

Dear ERP Doctor:

Cloud ERP

Busting the Myths of FDA Validation and Business Systems [Webinar]

Updated on: May 14, 2020

Understanding the Right Process Validation for Life Science Manufacturers and Distributors.

Life Sciences

Why Life Science Firms are Embracing Digital Transformation During the COVID-19 Crisis

Updated on: May 8, 2020

The life sciences industry has historically lagged behind other sectors when it comes to digital transformation. But the COVID-19 pandemic has made digitization a business and...


The Business Heroes of COVID-19

Updated on: May 1, 2020

The COVID-19 crisis has destroyed the global economy and completely disrupted normal business processes and operations for many organizations.

Small Business

What ERP Means for Your Small Business

Updated on: October 10, 2022

The United States is home to more than 30 million small businesses. Launching one takes guts, commitment, and planning.

SAP Business ByDesign

Why SAP Business ByDesign is a Better Value than NetSuite

Updated on: November 1, 2021

In the increasingly crowded market for cloud-based enterprise resource planning systems that serve SMBs, two offerings typically stand out from the pack. SAP Business ByDesign and

Wholesale Distribution

Five Keys for Modernizing Your Wholesale Distribution Business

Updated on: April 10, 2020

The wholesale distribution industry is at an inflection point. Trends such as online marketplaces, the digitization of the buyer journey, real-time data and artificial...

Small Business

How ERP Creates Value for Companies

Updated on: July 15, 2021

Investing in a new enterprise resource planning system (ERP) takes significant time and money. Even moving to cloud-based ERP is a large project, and cloud-based solutions are...

ERP Evaluation

Dear Management, We Really Need to Have That ERP Talk

Updated on: March 27, 2020

We’re only human. As your employees, we strive to get our jobs done as quickly and efficiently as possible. We endeavor to be productive and innovative while also saving money for...


3 Reasons Why an ERP is the Smart Choice for Distributors

Updated on: March 20, 2020

The benefits for distributors when moving to a cloud based business management (ERP) platform are many; from managing their financial and accounting operations in one place, to...

Future Proofing

How the Pandemic Can be a Business Opportunity

Updated on: April 9, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is quickly changing the world as we know it, and it is disrupting business on a global scale. An unprecedented number of employees are already working...

ERP Selection

Why Value Matters More than Price

Updated on: October 7, 2021

Allow me to be vulnerable for a minute and tell you about the biggest mistake in my professional life.

Small Business

What Are the Business Differences: Quickbooks VS ERP

Updated on: December 15, 2021

All of the right parts might be in place when a company launches: a great product, an experienced team, a strong marketing campaign. But poor financial planning can lead to...


Why Aren’t We Talking ERP ROI?

Updated on: February 28, 2020

With the emergence of cloud-based ERP, enterprise resource planning solutions no longer are just for Fortune 500 companies. That’s part of why almost half of all companies have,...


Why Wholesale Distributors Need ERP

Updated on: February 21, 2020

Times are changing for the wholesale distribution industry. Online marketplaces, the digitization of the buyer journey, real-time data and even artificial intelligence are putting...


Why Doesn’t Your Small Business Have ERP?

Updated on: February 14, 2020

Some companies have easy invoicing, proactive planning, smooth HR practices and fluid operations that handle changes in the business landscape well. Others don’t.

SAP Business One

QuickBooks vs. SAP Business One ERP

Updated on: February 20, 2020

For small to medium-sized businesses, there’s often the question of whether QuickBooks is enough or a firm needs a more robust enterprise resource planning solution (ERP).

ERP Implementation

Four Secrets for a Faster ERP Rollout

Updated on: January 31, 2020

There’s a quiet business process revolution taking place.

ERP Savings

How to Make ERP Implementation Affordable

Updated on: January 24, 2020

There are three things synonymous with enterprise resource planning solutions (ERP): They transform a business, they are devilishly complex to roll out, and they cost a lot of...

business growth

How to Keep the Wheels from Falling Off Your Growing Business

Updated on: January 17, 2020

The journey of a fast-growing business can be summed up in one sentence: Cross that bridge when you come to it.


Five Ways Startups Scale with ERP Automation

Updated on: January 10, 2020

Rothy’s, a San Francisco-based woven shoes startup valued at $700 million, began thinking seriously about automation when it only had 15 employees. The startup’s backend...

new year

Five ERP Trends You’ll See in 2020

Updated on: January 10, 2020

There are many reasons that Bill Belichick is arguably the most successful football coach in the history of the National Football League. One of the biggest reasons is that he...


ERP vs. Accounting Software

Updated on: February 20, 2020

Many small businesses use QuickBooks or Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for accounting. When the topic of enterprise resource planning software (ERP) come up, the natural question...

Selecting an ERP Solution

The 7 Stages of Realizing You Need a New ERP System

Updated on: January 2, 2020

Making the decision to integrate new technologies into your company’s existing infrastructure is not easy. There is an array of factors to consider depending on your industry type...


Your IT Systems Should be Saving You Time, Not Taking It

Updated on: December 20, 2019

The original value proposition of computers and IT is efficiency. Let’s not forget that before smartphones and social media, IT was meant to give us time, not take it away.

Cloud ERP

The Benefits of Working with a Partner, Not the Vendor

Updated on: October 22, 2021

Setting up a new ERP system requires many decisions. One of those early decisions is whether a business should get support from the ERP vendor or a third-party implementation...


Three Tough Questions to Ask Yourself Before an ERP Go-Live

Updated on: December 3, 2019

Overhauling a company’s backend systems by going live with a new ERP implementation is fraught with potential complications.


How 2-Tier ERP Helps Subsidiaries Integrate Faster

Updated on: November 22, 2019

Subsidiaries and newly acquired companies are an IT headache.

Order Fulfillment

5 Things to Understand About Your Order Fulfillment Process Before Evaluating ERP Software

Updated on: November 15, 2019

Implementing a new ERP system is a big deal, as it can significantly transform your business operations with process optimization, cost savings, new revenue opportunities,...

5 Questions that Help Determine if You Need a New ERP System

Updated on: November 8, 2019

Upgrading your backend system is not a task to be taken lightly. That’s why many businesses continue to lean on tried and true legacy ERP systems or custom solutions. There are...

ERP Selection

The Most Surprising Fact About ERP: It is Widely Used by Small Business

Updated on: November 1, 2019

When most people think about enterprise resource planning software (ERP), they focus on that first word: “enterprise.” What might come as a shock is that ERP is also widely used...

Cost Savings

Why ERP is a Cost-Cutting Tool

Updated on: April 27, 2023

There are many reasons why businesses invest in an enterprise resource planning system (ERP). An ERP system helps connects all aspects of a business to a centralized source of...

ERP Selection

Are Your Ready for a New ERP System?  10 questions to ask.

Updated on: October 18, 2019

Upgrading a business system is not a small task, and it can sometimes be hard to tell if a current system is sufficient or if an upgrade is worth the time and money. This is...


Top 5 Mistakes Wholesale Distributors Make

Updated on: October 11, 2019

As a wholesale distributor, you’re in a position of great responsibility. Delays or disruptions with your business translate into disruptions for your customers, which has a...

5 Reasons Why All Manufacturers Need a Modern ERP System

Updated on: October 4, 2019

Smooth manufacturing operations hinge upon solid cohesion and ongoing coordination between multiple parts of a company. When those parts don’t sync, problems ensue. Those problems...

ERP Evaluation

Four (Good) Reasons for Replacing Your ERP System

Updated on: September 27, 2019

If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

[Webinar] Are You Financing Your Inventory the Hard Way?

Updated on: September 25, 2019

Common Pitfalls and 3 Paths to easier financing.


4 Problems Created by Working with Multiple Software Systems

Updated on: November 22, 2024

You’ve done the hard work of buying, building, integrating, and customizing your various departmental software systems, so all of your operational woes should be remedied, right?


4 Commonly Overlooked Aspects of ERP Implementation

Updated on: July 13, 2023

Despite the wealth of knowledge available on ERP system implementation, approximately 50 percent of ERP implementations fail on the first try, while 30 percent take longer than...


How to Reduce Job Security Fears Associated with ERP

Updated on: September 5, 2019

People are afraid that automation and technology ultimately kills jobs. As a result, one issue that businesses often face during ERP system rollout and digital transformation in...

ERP Selection

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Selecting Enterprise Software

Updated on: August 30, 2019

Enterprise resource planning software (ERP) is no longer just for big business. That’s why nearly half of all companies around the globe are either planning or already launched an...

Cloud ERP

3 Problems Cloud ERP Can Solve for Your Company

Updated on: August 23, 2019

Successfully coordinating complex business processes across a hodgepodge of different systems—or even an outdated integrated system—can be difficult, expensive and time-consuming.


The Tangible and Intangible Benefits of a New ERP System

Updated on: November 22, 2024

The decision to purchase a new enterprise resource planning system (ERP) once was a tough one. On the one hand, a modern ERP solution brings dozens of tangible and intangible...

SAP software

What is SAP in the ERP world?

Updated on: November 1, 2021

You’ve probably heard the name, SAP, but you might not actually know what SAP does and why roughly 77 percent of all global transactions come in contact with the software the...


Four Signs That You’ve Outgrown Your Business Software System

Updated on: December 8, 2023

Something strange is happening with your business operations.

Life Sciences

6 Key Factors to Look for in ERP Software for a Life Sciences Start-up

Updated on: July 18, 2019

Startups are hard, but startups in the life sciences industry are a particular brand of challenging.

Cloud ERP

Is Your Business Falling Behind? Antiquated Software Might Be to Blame

Updated on: July 10, 2019

Legacy software. The phrase may sound benign, even charming, conjuring visions of prestige and authority coupled with high value.

ERP Evaluation

Seven Management “Must”s During the ERP Vendor Selection Process

Updated on: June 27, 2019

Implementing ERP is a process, not an event.


Three Questions to Answer for ERP Project Success

Updated on: June 27, 2019

Having a central system that stores and tracks all aspects of a company’s operations has always been useful. Big companies have long relied on ERP systems for this reason.

Medical Devices

Life Science Companies, are you ready to support changing customer needs?

Updated on: June 26, 2019

Throughout our daily lives we see change being pushed by new and old concerns; costs, convenience, environment and mobility. The most predictable of these is that we are all...


Six Keys When Preparing for an ERP Project

Updated on: June 19, 2019

Rolling out a new enterprise resource planning system (ERP) brings many benefits. These include streamlined business processes, a 360-degree view of operations, better financial...


The 7 Most Common ERP Questions

Updated on: July 26, 2021

Enterprise resource planning software (ERP) is complex, especially for businesses that are considering it for the first time. A quick Google search doesn’t do much to clear up the...

SAP for Small Business

Spoiler Alert: You May Be an SMB (and Why that Matters)

Updated on: June 7, 2019

Quick question: What’s an SMB (Small and Medium Business)?


Why CFOs are Driving ERP upgrades

Updated on: May 28, 2019

Your CEO might lead, but let’s be honest: In many cases, you as CFO drive the company.

Cloud ERP

When QuickBooks is Not Enough

Updated on: May 20, 2019

Along with the success of a growing business comes the added responsibility of staying competitive and up-to-date with the latest advancements in business technology. Programs...


Why Now is the Time to Upgrade Your ERP System

Updated on: May 16, 2019

If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

Venture Capital

How ERP software Can Help You Attract and Retain Venture Capital

Updated on: May 10, 2019

If you live and work in Silicon Valley or you are growing a Life Science Start-up, you’re probably thinking about venture funding for your business. But even if you’re not running...


How Businesses Can Reduce Resource Scarcity During ERP Implementation

Updated on: April 26, 2019

The cloud has made ERP accessible for businesses of all sizes. But larger firms still have an advantage when it comes to ERP: more resources for implementation.

SAP Business ByDesign

What Companies Are Using SAP?

Updated on: November 1, 2021

When a business invests in enterprise resource planning software (ERP), it is investing for the long haul.

R&D Tax Credit

Stopping the Long Island Insanity - Moving your IT forward | Webinar

Updated on: April 25, 2019

An in your face presentation by Chris Coluccio, CEO Techworks Consulting | Sponsored by Navigator Business Solutions (Length 30-minutes)


Why Cloud ERP Favors Businesses  below Large Enterprise

Updated on: April 16, 2019

There are many advantages of running a small to medium-sized business (SMB).

Life Sciences

Six Keys When Choosing ERP for Life Science Firms

Updated on: September 21, 2022

Often the jump from research in a lab to the manufacture and sale of a drug or life sciences product is more daunting than the work that went into developing the product.


ERP Selection: Cheapest is Not Always Best

Updated on: April 3, 2019

I recently returned from a hiking trip in southwestern China. One of the joys of the trip, aside from the mountain climbing, was outfitting for my trek at a discount department...

Cloud ERP

What Your CEO Needs to Know About Moving to Cloud ERP

Updated on: March 29, 2019

Moving to cloud-based ERP system sounds like a project for the CIO. But it is not. It actually is a company-wide project that requires buy-in and involvement from the CEO.


Top 5 Mistakes when Moving from QuickBooks to ERP and How to Avoid Them

Updated on: July 15, 2021

Congratulations. You’ve either decided to move from QuickBooks to an enterprise resource planning solution (ERP), or you’re considering it.


ERP Upgrades Driven by Data Needs and the Cloud

Updated on: February 26, 2019

Businesses depend on having the right information at the right time, ensuring that production meets demand, inventory levels are neither too high or too low, and customer...

Cloud ERP

Four Reasons to Use the Cloud for ERP Modernization

Updated on: February 18, 2019

The question that businesses are facing is not whether to upgrade their ERP systems, but how.

SAP Automation

Save Time and Money with ERP Accounts Payable Automation

Updated on: February 18, 2019

Many businesses want a more efficient process for vendor invoice approval, and with good reason.

Cloud ERP

How Cloud ERP Helps Manufacturers Compete

Updated on: February 18, 2019

Business, like football, is often a game of one-upping the competition by staying ahead of the curve. The new area where manufacturers are competing is on the backend with...

R&D Tax Credit

The R&D Tax Credit A Strategic Tax Advantage [Webinar]

Updated on: May 14, 2020

The R&D Tax Credit: A Tax Strategy Designed to promote economic growth in the U.S.What is it? A dollar-for-dollar credit against taxes owed.R&D tax credits directly offset federal...

Cloud ERP

Large Companies Can’t Run Without ERP—and Neither Should Yours

Updated on: July 15, 2021

Every business is different, and Fortune 500 companies are no exception. But all Fortune 500 companies do share something in common aside from scale and profitability: They all...

mid-sized business

Bob Scott’s VAR Stars 2018 Announced

Updated on: February 12, 2019

Navigator Business Solutions, has been selected as a member of the Bob Scott’s VAR Stars for 2018, a group of 100 organizations honored for their accomplishments in the field of...


Bring Complete Visibility to the Finance Team

Updated on: February 26, 2025

Finance departments are finding themselves under an increasing amount of pressure both from regulators and from within the business itself. Firms must be nimble, profitable, and...


How to Avoid the Business Emergency Room

Updated on: February 1, 2019

Businesses are not people, but they are legal entities with many of the same rights and responsibilities of people. They also share the same tendency of people to wait until a...

ERP Evaluation

What You Need Before Evaluating Cloud ERP Providers

Updated on: January 25, 2019

ERP systems are complex and marry deeply with your business processes, even cloud-based ERP solutions built as turnkey solutions.

Cloud ERP

Five Alternatives to Cloud ERP

Updated on: January 18, 2019

Have you heard yourself considering these alternatives?


Why Consumer Products Distributors Need Omni-Channel Support

Updated on: January 17, 2019

Smartphones and Millennial sensibilities have created an interesting consumer dynamic: Businesses now are expected to act like friends. This is an important dynamic for consumer...


5 Keys for Improving Manufacturing Cost Estimates

Updated on: October 11, 2021

Manufacturers are optimistic, at least according to the latest Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey conducted by National Association of Manufacturers; optimism is at an all time high of...

Supply Chain Management

Juggle Supplier and Retail Relationships Efficiently with Cloud ERP

Updated on: December 28, 2018

Manufacturing products is the easy step for consumer products manufacturers. The far greater challenge businesses face is efficiently connecting a company’s manufacturing...

Why ERP?

Should You Upgrade to Cloud ERP or Hire More Staff?

Updated on: July 18, 2022

Your business is growing and sales are up. That’s the good news.

Supply Chain Management

Trade War: How to Adjust Your Supply Chain

Updated on: October 23, 2020

The trade war between the U.S. and China is real, and it has significant implications for any business with a global supply chain.

Cloud ERP

Fix Your Multichannel Sales Headaches with Cloud ERP

Updated on: December 9, 2018

Sales has changed quite a bit recently.

Life Sciences

Cut the Cost of FDA Validation with a Prepackaged ERP Solution

Updated on: December 3, 2018

There are many advantages from going with a prepackaged ERP solution instead of reinventing the wheel with a custom installation: Faster implementation. Best practices for a given...

SAP for Small Business

5 Signs You Need a Real ERP System

Updated on: November 26, 2018

Small businesses, especially startups, often run their operations with a hodgepodge of software systems. There’s the accounting system, the HR software, the inventory database,...

Medical Devices

ERP Validation is About Process, Not Software

Updated on: November 1, 2021

ERP validation sounds complex, but really it is simple: Does the software perform as specified?

ERP Software

Five ERP Myths Debunked

Updated on: November 22, 2024

Companies have a lot of misconceptions about enterprise resource planning software (ERP).

SAP ByDesign

[Interview] How SMBs are Engaging with ERP Today

Updated on: October 31, 2018

We talk with Ralph Hess, ERP veteran and vice president of sales for Navigator Business Solutions.


Cloud ERP Taking Off for SMBs

Updated on: May 12, 2023

Small and mid-sized businesses have been wanting cloud ERP long before most consultants and ERP vendors were willing to offer it.

Supply Chain Management

Visibility is the Key for Managing Supply Chains During the Trade War

Updated on: October 13, 2018

It has been a busy season for Peter Guarraia, a management consultant at the consultancy, Bain & Co.

Navigator Leadership

[Interview] Cloud ERP and the SMB: All the Benefits Without the Cost and Implementation Time

Updated on: October 3, 2018

We talk cloud ERP with Grant Fraser, industry pioneer and CEO of Navigator Business Solutions

ERP Only Works If Employees Use It

Updated on: January 3, 2019

Migrating from spreadsheets and manual processes to a full-fledged ERP system is a game-changer for most businesses. But for some firms, they first must get past a substantial...


5 Steps to Address Change: The Monster Under Your Bed

Updated on: September 20, 2018

Change is the equivalent to the monster living under your bed. Why? It’s unknown, and the unknown incites fear. Do you think your employees do their best work in those...

ERP Evaluation

Why a Long ERP Selection Process is a Good Sign

Updated on: September 14, 2018

Choosing business software has gotten much easier thanks to the cloud. But ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) selection shouldn’t be among those packages you decide upon quickly.

Where do I start my ERP Evaluation?

Updated on: August 28, 2018

Deploying a new enterprise resource planning system (ERP) is an important initiative that deeply impacts both your organization’s strategy and daily operations. It streamlines...

ERP manufacturing

Why Manufacturers Need Cloud ERP

Updated on: August 17, 2018

The value of ERP systems is widely understood in the manufacturing community. The importance of a digital system of record for tracking all aspects of production and distribution...

ERP Software

Evaluating Your Business is Key When Selecting an ERP System

Updated on: September 14, 2018

The horror stories are enough to make any business think about sticking with their existing legacy ERP system instead of upgrading to something new.

digital transformation

Digital Transformation: The New Norm

Updated on: January 27, 2025

Today every part of the business is subject to new expectations, competitors, channels, threats, and opportunities. Every business has the potential to be a digital business. As...

ERP Software

Great, You Just got Funding—Now You Need an ERP System

Updated on: August 14, 2018

There’s probably nothing more exciting in your experience as a startup than the day you received funding. Not only does this mean investors believe in your vision, but now you...

SAP Business ByDesign

11 Great Features in SAP Business ByDesign

Updated on: July 12, 2018

When you think of a Cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system - are you thinking complete business software suite?

SAP Business ByDesign

What's New in SAP Business ByDesign - June 2018

Updated on: September 14, 2018

The Latest New Features in SAP Business ByDesign - June 2018

Supply Chain Management

Supply Chain Management is Ready for Digital Transformation

Updated on: January 27, 2025

For years, supply chain management has been high stakes, but not always high-tech.

Press Release

Navigator Business Solutions Releases Turnkey SAP® Cloud ERP Solutions for Manufacturers and Distributors in the Consumer Packaged Goods Industry

Updated on: June 18, 2018

PLEASANT GROVE, Utah, June 14, 2018 — Navigator Business Solutions, an SAP® Gold Partner, has released a pair of turnkey ERP solutions designed specifically for manufacturers and...


Overcoming Today’s CPG Manufacturing Challenges with ERP

Updated on: September 14, 2018

Consumer packaged goods (CPG) is a dynamic space that is changing rapidly due to better-informed consumers and new global market opportunities. These changes make fo exciting...


How Real-Time Forecasting Helps You Stay Ahead of Demand

Updated on: September 14, 2018

In an increasingly competitive market, demand-driven supply network optimization can imbue your consumer packaged goods (CPG) company with the predictive power to succeed.


What do I need to be Ready for GDPR?

Updated on: May 29, 2018

General Data Protection Regulation, ready for the Digital Economy

Medical Devices

Scaling from University Lab to Multi-Country Sourcing and Distribution

Updated on: September 14, 2018

Developing new drugs requires expertise, sweat equity and maybe even a bit of luck. Clinical researchers who reach the point where they consider starting their own pharmaceutical...

Project Management

Prerequisite and precaution for Cloud ERP Implementation

Updated on: July 15, 2021

Cloud ERP implementations are in the growth pattern in the last few years. Companies started looking for more agile / quicker implementations to see a difference in the company...

ERP Software

Modified Systems Have Become Unsustainable

Updated on: September 14, 2018

Outdated software and business processes are slowing your growth and costing you money.

Life Sciences

CAPA and Why Trackability Through ERP is the Lifeblood of Quality

Updated on: October 9, 2018

Quality management and defect trackability is important for every successful manufacturer. For medical device manufacturing, however, the bar is set higher: not only is quality...

SAP Business ByDesign

SAP Business ByDesign and GDPR

Updated on: April 11, 2018

Will the GDPR Affect Your Organization?

enterprise resource planning

ERP Implementation Lesson learned

Updated on: March 30, 2018

ERP Implementation Lesson learned

5 More Reasons: Why Businesses should automate their processes

Updated on: October 25, 2019

Move your company ahead faster

SAP Automation

Why Are Businesses Automating and What Is the Benefit?

Updated on: October 25, 2019

4 Tricks for more effective automation through ERP

Integrated Financials for Business Organization

Updated on: February 21, 2018

Does the backend finances of your business look like an artist's craft room? How are you looking to simplify your business operations with integrated financials?

digital transformation

Is The Digital World Disrupting Your Distribution Business

Updated on: October 11, 2021

HOW THE RIGHT CLOUD BASED ERP CAN GUIDE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Preface Small and mid-size suppliers to retailers and consumers have an advantage when it comes to competing with...

ERP manufacturing

How Digital Transformation is Different This Time

Updated on: January 27, 2025

Digital is only the first part, transformation is the hard part. The transformation to digital started decades ago. That transformation was more digitization rather than going...

Medical Devices

5 Key Features for Life Sciences Executives to look for in an ERP System

Updated on: August 1, 2022

The Life Sciences industry (Bio-Pharma, Medical Device, Nutraceuticals, etc.) is unique in many ways beyond the products they bring to market, especially how organizations...

Of Christmas Trees & ERPs

Updated on: December 8, 2017

Selection holds the key

7 Reasons to look at replacing your current business systems

Updated on: May 31, 2018

Better support your organization’s needs now and in the future.

SAP Business ByDesign

GFOA recommends that governments evaluate lockbox services

Updated on: November 6, 2017

GFOA recommends that governments evaluate the benefits and costs of using lockbox services to determine if advantages can be gained in the areas of accuracy, cash flow,...


Hey, Finance Team, we have a few questions for you.

Updated on: October 11, 2017

Hey, Finance Team, we have a few questions for you.


Where the Heck is My Inventory (Part 4 of 4)

Updated on: December 27, 2017

Back to part 3


Where the Heck is My Inventory (Part 3 of 4)

Updated on: December 27, 2017

Back to part 2


Where The Heck Is My Inventory? (Part 2 of 4)

Updated on: October 9, 2017

Missed Part 1?


How does a Warehouse Management System help Companies increase their profitability

Updated on: October 23, 2019

How does a Warehouse Management System (WMS) help companies increase their profitability? If you think about it, the warehouse is the nerve center of a wholesale distribution

SAP Business ByDesign Users Conference

Top 6 Reasons To Attend The 2017 ByDesign Users Conference

Updated on: September 21, 2017

Running SAP's Business ByDesign ERP software can enable your business to thrive in the market you are in. Backed by SAP's solid reputation, ByDesign offers your business...


Where The Heck Is My Inventory? (Part 1 of 4)

Updated on: October 9, 2017

Inventory Management Executive Summary In a world shaped by a seemingly unlimited purchasing power and options wrought by the internet age, there is no greater challenge than...

Tax Risks in Consumer Goods and Services

Updated on: August 18, 2017

Reposted with permission: Sellers of consumer goods frequently assume they have very few, if any, sales or use tax obligations. The truth is, they often do. Even small...

Life Sciences

What Is 21 CFR Part 11?

Updated on: August 1, 2022

Title 21 -- FOOD AND DRUGS

Medical Devices

3 Got-Tos for a Quicker Get-to-Market Strategy for Life Science Companies

Updated on: August 14, 2017

Compliance in the Life Sciences world doesn’t have to be complex. Below are three common business management issues surrounding the life sciences industry and the solutions that...


Why Do I Need ERP?

Updated on: May 15, 2023

Insight How often have you made a big decision without thinking it through? For example, think about the first time you bought a home. If you haven’t bought a house, you have...

sap tips

Hosting the Perfect Software Demo Session

Updated on: July 24, 2017

Over the past few weeks, it seems that I have been on the road more than I have been at home. I’ve had the pleasure of being introduced to many different customers in many states...


Change Management | 8 Key Lessons To Learn Before Implementing a New ERP Solution

Updated on: August 1, 2017

In the course of my travels, I meet with a lot of companies in a wide variety of industries. These companies truly represent a cross-section of American industry and...

ERP with financials

Enabling Financial Management for the Future

Updated on: June 30, 2017

Faster and More-Effective Decision Making Simplify your business operations with integrated financials. Whether you are identifying new business opportunities, reacting to market...

sap tips

The Cloud, Without the questions. 7 secrets to selecting ERP.

Updated on: June 26, 2018

Seven secrets to selecting an ERP solution. The first thing to remember is that this doesn’t have to be confusing.

Business Management Software

Concerns to Address When Upgrading to ERP

Updated on: November 22, 2024

At some point in every company’s development, there will come a point when the business needs to re-examine its processes and streamline aspects of its operation into a modern,...

Business Management Software

Reduce Headaches with ERP

Updated on: July 7, 2017

At the end of the day, the purpose of utilizing any business tool is to simplify the processes and reduce the amount of headaches that are created by operating a successful...

Business Management Software

When to Upgrade to ERP

Updated on: June 14, 2017

In a business’ maturation cycle, there comes a point of growth where a company must make a jump from small to midsize business. Before this can happen, though, it is going to...


The Key to a Successful Software Rollout is Not What You Might Think

Updated on: July 10, 2017

Are you in the middle of launching new ERP software or planning an implementation in the coming months? Without effective communication guiding your rollout, even the most...


4 Ways to Keep Your Project from Going off the Rails

Updated on: July 10, 2017

Small to midsize companies have several things to worry about to ensure business runs smoothly, and it can be difficult to prioritize and manage concerns. At the end of the day,...

Business Management Software

5 Reasons It's Time for You to Leave QuickBooks Behind

Updated on: November 6, 2019

Countless small businesses rely on QuickBooks to manage their finances. This software has served your company well in the early stages of growth, but it may be showing signs of...


Why Some Companies Are Afraid to Adapt

Updated on: July 10, 2017

The foundation of the marketplace in the 21st century has inevitably shifted. The emergence of the digital revolutions has changed the way that many companies do businesses....

Business Management Software

How to Evolve Your Midsize Company to ERP

Updated on: July 10, 2017

The digitization of the modern marketplace necessitates the use of digital tools to stay relevant. As the 21st century continues to change in favor of technology, this fact...


Cloud ERP Chatter: When Skill & Hard Work Meets Opportunity

Updated on: July 10, 2017

Navigator Business Solutions, cloud pioneer, SAP Gold Partner, and perennial award winner within the ERP SME space, has again been in the news recently. To better understand how...

ERP cloud

The Edge of Cloud-based ERP

Updated on: July 10, 2017

Cloud-based business planning software used to be a solution that was associated with smaller businesses. However, in recent years, the viability of using a cloud-based enterprise...

SAP for Small Business

Business Data Benefits with SAP

Updated on: July 10, 2017

There are numerous benefits of utilizing real-time, integrated ERP at the heart of your business operations. However, one of the most complex aspects of managing business growth...

Navigator cloud

Three Strategic Reasons for Moving to Cloud-Based ERP

Updated on: July 10, 2017

Manufacturing, distribution, and service-oriented companies are facing critical challenges in today’s marketplace. To service the new global economy, companies need to be...


Learning from Walmart's Supply Chain Woes

Updated on: July 10, 2017

Walmart is a leader in competitive pricing around the nation, thanks in large part to supply chain management and inventory control. Nightly stocking and real-time monitoring of...


On Measuring Success

Updated on: July 10, 2017

How do you measure success in your company? Is it by quarterly sales numbers? How many 5-star reviews you have on Google? Is it employee or client retention, or perhaps the...


Making an Effective Transition to New Software

Updated on: July 10, 2017

Between the rapidly-changing tech world and the shifting needs of small businesses, employees today need to be flexible. One company may transition between three different...


Navigator Named to Bob Scott's VAR Stars 2016 List

Updated on: July 10, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY - December 6, 2016 - Navigator Business Solutions has been selected as a member of the Bob Scott’s VAR Stars for 2016, a group of 100 organizations honored for...

Business Management Software

7 Key Aspects of Real-Time, Integrated ERP

Updated on: July 11, 2017

More and more small-to-midsize businesses are recognizing the value of real-time information that is enabled by cloud ERP systems. Further, many of these companies are adopting...


ERP in the Age of Mobility

Updated on: June 14, 2017

In today's market place, business moves faster. People and businesses want to be closer to their data and their customers than ever before, and they are leaning on their mobile...

SAP One Cloud

Wrapping Your Head Around SAP's Growing Cloud Strategy

Updated on: January 3, 2022

As the cloud becomes the primary model for both IT and line-of-business professionals around the world, a certain amount of refinement and fine-tuning is a healthy part of the...


Questions To Ask When Considering Cloud ERP

Updated on: June 14, 2017

As a manufacturer, but really even as an everyday regular Joe, you’ve undoubtedly heard and read the buzz about the cloud. A simple definition of the cloud is that it is a network...


3 Concerns That Keep Service Companies Awake at Night (and how to put them to bed)

Updated on: July 11, 2017

Have you reached the point where running your business is running you ragged? Wouldn’t you prefer to concentrate on service delivery and client satisfaction, instead of...

Navigator cloud

Cloud And Clear: Are You Piloting Towards The Cloud Or On Standby?

Updated on: July 11, 2017

It seems that most companies want to do something related to cloud deployment these days. With analysts quoting expected revenues higher every day and the desire of businesses of...


Press Release: Navigator Announces Focus on Providing ERP Software for Cannabis Industry

Updated on: July 24, 2017

Salt Lake City, UT (September 27, 2016) – As a progressive pioneer in providing Cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to multiple verticals, Navigator has...

Business One cloud

Press Release: Adakai Holdings Selects Navigator to Implement SAP Business One

Updated on: July 18, 2017

(Salt Lake City, UT) — Navigator Business Solutions has announced that Adakai Holdings, an Arizona based cannabis holdings company, has selected Navigator Business Solutions to...


Press Release: Navigator Announces Sponsorship of DeviceFest 2016

Updated on: June 14, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – August 17, 2016 – Navigator Business Solutions, the premier value added reseller of cloud based enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, today announced...


Why do ERP projects fail?

Updated on: August 10, 2018

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) projects are perhaps the most intrusive project that a company will ever undergo.

SAP Business One

Press Release: Rice's Lucky Clover Honey Selects Navigator to Implement SAP Business One

Updated on: June 28, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY - July 26, 2016 -- Navigator Business Solutions has announced that Rice's Lucky Clover Honey, a respected producer of 100% pure raw & unfiltered American honey,...


Navigator measures past, targets future at July All Hands conference

Updated on: July 18, 2017

Navigator Business Solutions concluded its most recent semi-annual All Hands conference last week in Provo, Utah. Held at the Provo Utah Marriott Hotel from July 14-16, the event...

Navigator Partners

Press Release: Nutritional Medicinals, LLC, makers of Functional Formularies, Selects Navigator to Implement SAP Business One

Updated on: June 14, 2017

(Salt Lake City, UT) — Navigator Business Solutions has announced that Nutritional Medicinals, LLC and its brand Functional Formularies, a producer of whole foods and feeding tube...


Navigator Business Solutions - Sending your business the right direction

Updated on: July 18, 2017

Navigator is your trusted technology partner, exclusively providing you with software solutions that enable profitable, scalable growth through real-time control and aligning all...


Navigator Named to 2016 Top 100 by Bob Scott's Insights

Updated on: July 18, 2017

SALT LAKE CITY - May 27, 2016 -- Navigator Business Solutions has again been named to Bob Scott's Insights Top 100 VARs (Value-Added Resellers) for the year 2016. The Top 100 VARs...


Navigator Team celebrates 2016 President's Club in Cancun

Updated on: July 24, 2017

This past month a team of Navigator employees celebrated individual and collective successes in 2015 by being invited to President's Club. This year the retreat was held in...


Navigator Quick Demo: Production Overview, SAP Business One

Updated on: July 24, 2017

Today's Quick Demo from Navigator's Director of Sales, Curt Maxwell, focuses on Production Overview within SAP's Business One platform. Some of the topics covered include Work...

SAP partner

Navigator Named One of Ten Fastest Growing SAP Companies

Updated on: July 24, 2017

(SALT LAKE CITY, UT)- Navigator Business Solutions announced today that it was named as a member of the 10 Fastest Growing SAP Companies for 2016 by The Silicon Review magazine....


Navigator Sales Teams Recharge During Q2 Summit

Updated on: July 7, 2017

This past week Navigator held it’s Q2 Sales Summit over 3 days at Navigator Headquarters in Pleasant Grove, UT. The entire sales team joined for the summit where a wealth of...

SAP ByDesign

Press Release: House of Forgings Selects Navigator Business Solutions to Implement SAP ByDesign

Updated on: July 24, 2017

(Salt Lake City, UT) — Navigator Business Solutions has announced that House of Forgings, a diversified ornamental iron and wood stair parts distributor, has selected Navigator...


Press Release: Alerion Capital Group invests in Navigator

Updated on: July 24, 2017

Alerion Capital Group announced today it made a major investment in Navigator Business Solutions (“Navigator”), an award winning value added reseller of cloud based enterprise...


Is ERP in the cloud secure?

Updated on: November 22, 2024

As more and more companies make the switch to cloud-based ERP platforms, one of the ongoing concerns is the security of critical enterprise information. It’s been a long-standing...


Navigator Quick Demo: Time Entry for Projects, SAP ByDesign

Updated on: June 27, 2017

Today's quick demo from Navigator's Value Engineer Kent Blackhurst focuses on Time Entry for Projects within SAP's Business ByDesign.


Cloud-Based ERP: The sharpest of tools

Updated on: July 24, 2017

As Abraham Lincoln once famously stated: “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. It is the plight of all small to midsize...


Energy Service Companies: Finally, the way to see the whole picture

Updated on: July 7, 2017

Most energy service companies do not have proper visibility. It’s all too commonplace not to know whether a job will be profitable until all the paperwork is complete.


Navigator Customer Support Teams continue to shine

Updated on: July 24, 2017

In keeping with Navigator’s goal of creating a stellar customer experience, and retaining all customers as “Customers for Life”, the customer support teams have showed their...


2016: How are you going to focus on your time?

Updated on: July 24, 2017

The start of a new year tends to bring with it the temptation to reflect on the past year in order to determine what our focus, priorities and opportunities will be going forward....


Navigator looks ahead to 2016 with All Hands meetings

Updated on: July 24, 2017

Navigator Business Solutions’ semi-annual All Hands Meetings concluded a successful 2015 campaign while shifting focus to continued growth and achievement in 2016. The event, held...

SAP Business ByDesign

SAP Business ByDesign Update - November 2015

Updated on: July 24, 2017

With the global marketplace changing and growing more complex every day, SAP is continually adding new, industry-leading functionality to its already robust SAP Business ByDesign...

SAP ByDesign

BioDerm Relieving The Pressure With SAP Business ByDesign

Updated on: June 28, 2017

How do you know when software is hampering your growth? One clue is that you find yourself doing manual workarounds to key business processes. Another is that you can’t get the...


Navigator To Host 4th Annual SAP Business ByDesign Users Conference

Updated on: July 6, 2017

In an effort to continue providing world-class service, and as a repeat of the last three years, Navigator is again thrilled to host the 4th Annual SAP Business ByDesign Users...


Navigator Opens New Office in New York City

Updated on: January 4, 2022

New Office Enables Top SAP-Certified Partner to Better Serve SAP Customers Across New England


Cloud ERP Showdown to Heat Up with SAP Business ByDesign on HANA

Updated on: July 7, 2017

*The following was adapted from Gartner's VP of Research, Robert Anderson, responsible for covering ERP for service industries and financial management and accounting applications*

Selecting an ERP Solution

How to Choose the RIGHT ERP for Your Small-Midsize Business

Updated on: July 19, 2017

To grow and maintain a competitive edge, more and more companies are finding themselves needing to invest in better internal systems in the form of Enterprise Resource Planning...